Grant Agreement functionality in RMS
This is a guide for Research Office Signatories on how to use the Grant Agreement functionality within the Research Management System (RMS). The examples on this page are also relevant for Research Office Signatories executing Grant Agreement using the RMS instances for other Funding Entities
Grant Agreement and Grant Offers will be provided to Research Offices through RMS. The Grant Agreement and Grant Offers will then be accepted through RMS by a user with the role type, Research Office Signatory. The Grant Agreement and Grant Offers will then be executed by a Funding Entity Delegate and the associated projects will be created for payment of funding.
Grant Agreement means the agreement entered into by the Funding Entity and an Administering Organisation when an application from that organisation is approved for funding. Accepting the Grant Agreement in RMS accepts the terms and conditions set out within the Agreement, it does not accept the Grant Offers made against it.
Grant Offer means the offer of funding made against an individual project. Grant Offers are accepted on a project level and cannot be accepted until the overarching Grant Agreement has been accepted by a Research Office Signatory.
Research Office (RO) Signatory
Grant Agreement and Grant Offers can be viewed by any user within your organisation with RO Staff access. However, to accept the Grant Agreement and Grant Offers, a user from your organisation, who has the authority to enter into an agreement with the Funding Entity, must be given RO Signatory access. Only a user with RO Signatory access in the relevant Funding Entity instance of RMS can accept the Grant Agreement and Grant Offers within RMS.