
Grant Announcement: NISDRG for funding commencing in 2022 (Round 2)


The Office of National Intelligence and Defence – National Security Science and Technology Centre publicly announced the National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) program – Intelligence Challenges and National Security Challenges for funding commencing in 2022.

Project details are available on the Grant Announcement & Outcomes page on the RGS website and guidance in promoting or announcing successful projects for ONI and/or Defence can be found on the Acknowledgement of Funding & Logo use page.

Please be advised that the outcomes of NISDRG – National Security Challenges and Intelligence Challenges are no longer under embargo, and you may now announce outcomes publicly.

For information on how to view the outcomes of a grant round within RMS, please refer to these instructions on the RGS website: View Grant Outcomes in RMS | Research Grant Services.

For information on how to access, view and accept Grant Offers and Grant Agreements in RMS please refer to these instructions on the RGS website: Grant Agreement functionality in RMS | Research Grant Services.

The closing date for appeals relating to this announcement is 5.00pm (AEST) on 17 August 2022.

If you have any questions, please email or phone +61 2 6206 7206.

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