RGS Update: NISDRG Forecast Opportunity and Release of Grant Guidelines
The Grant Guidelines for the National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants (NISDRG) program Round 3 are now available on GrantConnect.
- Forecast Opportunity for NISDRG Intelligence Challenges
- Forecast Opportunity for NISDRG National Security Challenges
All documentation for this scheme will be found on the GrantConnect website. Please note, while the Grant Guidelines are available to view, you will need to register with GrantConnect to access all documentation.*
Please note that new National Security challenges have been included in the Grant Guidelines for NISDRG. The Intelligence Challenges have not changed since Round 2. This round will also include an Expressions of Interest process. Further details about Expressions of Interest will be provided in a webinar on Wednesday 27 July. Contact your research office for further details.
The key dates for this program are as below:
- Release of Grant Guidelines: 25 July 2022
- Expressions of Interest open: 29 July 2022
- Expressions of Interest close: 19 August 2022
- Full applications open by invitation: Late September 2022
- Request Not to Assess Close: Late October
- Full Applications Close: Early November 2022
- Rejoinders: Early February 2023
- Anticipated announcement: Mid-2023
Further information about the program can be found on the Research Grants Services’ National Intelligence and Security Discovery Research Grants program page. Enquiries can be directed to ARC-NISDRG@arc.gov.au.
*All accountable authorities and officials must use GrantConnect to publish all Grant Opportunities, all Grant Opportunity Guidelines and all addenda/alterations. For further information on GrantConnect, please refer to the ARC GrantConnect information page or the GrantConnect website.