Grant Assessment
Once an application has been submitted to us and the closing date for applications has passed, we progress to the Application Assessment stage of the grant lifecycle. The application is reviewed by the RGS team, an ARC Executive Director, members of a pre-established selection advisory committee and several experts in the project's field of research (or similar). This structured selection process, known as peer review or sometimes called merit review, ensures that government funding is awarded to the highest quality research projects.
What is peer review
Peer Review is a quality control process where multiple experts, aligned with a field of research, undertake in-depth assessments of applications and supporting documentation such as reports and publications. Peer Review is central to the assessment of applications for many research grant schemes. By allowing multiple people that are experts in a field of research to review an application, this places a level of trust in the process through which excellent projects can receive funding. Here you will find information and resources to assist you to provide quality peer review assessments for programs supported by the Research Grant Services (RGS) team.
Locate your program for assessment resources
To locate information about the assessment of your funding round, navigate to the program for which you are assessing, by selecting the relevant link within the Funding Entity or Program below. There you will find specific program material, including important policies, guidelines and guides to assist you with your assessment of applications.
Funding Entity
Who are you assessing for?
Department of Education |
Office of National Intelligence |
The Australian Research Council |
What program are you assessing for?
Discovery Program |
Linkage Program |
National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS) |
National Intelligence Discovery Grants (NIDG) Program (formerly NISDRG) |
Special Research Initiative |
How to become an RGS Assessor
Are you interested to become as assessor in a program we support? We are always looking to expand the talent and resources of our Assessor Community.
As an assessor, you will have the chance, in confidence, to familiarise yourself with new cutting-edge research within your field of expertise. You will have the opportunity to see the breadth and depth of what the best researchers in the country are working on and become familiar with their research agendas and scholarly priorities.
Additionally, the process provides unequalled opportunity to strengthen your own future grant funding applications by exposing you to examples of grant writing, and providing an in-depth understanding of our peer review process. Being an assessor furthers your professional development, while providing an invaluable contribution to Australia's research and innovation.
If you are not already part of our Assessor Community, please consider applying today! If you feel you can contribute to the funding of quality research in Australia by becoming an assessor, please do not hesitate to contact us. National and international researchers are welcome to apply. Please email your current Resume, top 5 publications and your top 3 Field of Research (FoR) codes to
We will review all applications, particularly looking at applicant qualifications, employment history, publications, previously held grants and overall experience and standing in the research field of expertise.
If you have any questions, feedback or suggestions, email the Research Grants Services team.